Archive for June, 2015

When Stuff Doesn’t Make Sense

Have you ever been through a situation in your life that just didn’t make sense? What did you do? I’m learning there are two responses we fall into when stuff happens that doesn’t make sense. We either try to figure stuff out and fix it, or we give it to God and trust Him to fix it. I’m also learning that when stuff happens that doesn’t make sense God’s hand is right in the middle of it, because when it’s all said and done He gets all the glory.

Remember when Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery because they were jealous of him? That certainly didn’t make any sense. Remember when the angel Gabriel greeted Mary and told her she was going to become pregnant by Holy Spirit? That really didn’t make any sense. Remember when Jesus interrupted Saul/Paul on the Damascus road and told him He had something for him to do even though he had been persecuting the saints. That didn’t make any sense. I could go on and on and on, but you get my point.

Have you ever wondered why God allows stuff to happen that doesn’t make sense? I sure have. I became pregnant for the first time at the age of 45. I was ecstatic, and my family and friends were too. Everything seemed perfect to me and it seemed to be the right time. When I went in for my first ultrasound the doctor couldn’t see anything in the sac, so she sent me for blood tests. Blood tests came back in the normal range for a pregnant person, so she scheduled a second ultrasound. This time she thought she saw something, so she sent me to a different facility with more modern equipment. I went in for a third ultrasound and there was nothing there. I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum. I had never heard of such a thing. I was devastated. Crushed. Perplexed. Disappointed. I couldn’t understand how this could happen. It didn’t make sense. I cried to God. I reminded Him that He told me I was going to have a son, and that he was going to have a dynamic ministry. I cried a river of tears, but I kept pressing on. My husband, family, and friends encouraged me and prayed for and with me. Even so I wondered because it just didn’t make sense to me. Everything had been perfect in my mind.

The doctor said most likely there was some kind of chromosomal abnormality, and the baby could have come deformed or with Down syndrome or some other issue.

I’ve decided it’s a good thing when stuff doesn’t make sense because God has a plan. Look how Joseph ended up saving his family during the famine, and becoming governor in Egypt. Look how Mary gave birth to the son of God, the savior of the world. Look how Paul preached the gospel to the Gentiles and wrote most of the New Testament. I don’t know how my story is going to end, but I am so excited and expectant to see what God’s plan is in the middle of my stuff that didn’t make sense. I think it’s something GREAT!

If you’re going through stuff that doesn’t make sense be encouraged. Read your bible and read about all the stuff that happened that didn’t make sense and how God worked it out, and used it for His glory. God has a plan. God’s plans are good. God’s plans are generational. God’s plans are great. Keep on pressing on and living by faith.


Miss Terri

Don’t Be The Wife Until You’re The Wife

Think about it. Why give him all the benefits of being his wife without the formal commitment? I’ve learned that no one appreciates what they don’t work for, or put forth effort for, or sacrifice for. If you act and function as the wife when you’re not the wife, you put yourself at risk for being taken for granted, abused, used, and dropped.

Back in the day when I was single, Holy Spirit impressed this truth upon me. He helped me understand my worth and value as a woman. He helped me see myself through the eyes of faith and the truth of God’s word. The more I read and memorized the word, the more I began to believe it and live it out. I began to realize that I was wife material not just girlfriend stuff. I began to see what I had to offer a husband. I had a career. house, car, and money in the bank. I wasn’t going to bring a husband another mans babies, a truckload of debt, or a bunch of drama. I began to see how valuable I would be to a husband by encouraging, supporting, and helping him with his vision and dreams. By offering him an opposing view of the world, and being his partner in life. I realized I truly was the “good thing” the bible speaks about.

Now why on earth would I, the “good thing” give all my treasures and cookies to a boyfriend. No, I decided if a man wanted me he’d have to marry me because I was worth it, and I also decided he’d have to bring something to the table. I needed to know his character, (is he honest, responsible, accountable, trustworthy etc), and I needed to see some spiritual fruit that remains (believer, attend church regularly, serving in ministry, love, joy, peace, faith etc).

So here’s what I did. I told all my suitors upfront there would be no sex in the relationship (that got rid of quite a few of them). I did not entertain them in my home, I insisted on meeting in public places, I avoided situations that would make me forget I’m the good thing, and make me forget my resolve to not be the wife. I prayed. I prayed a lot. I prayed a whole lot.

I entered into marriage ten years ago, and I’m having great fun being the wife, but I wasn’t the wife until my wedding day of January 1, 2005, at 3:00 pm. He didn’t get to enjoy all of my wonderful treasures until he made me his wife. So, he worked, put forth effort, and sacrificed for me in the sense that he waited. He was intrigued to encounter a woman like me. A woman who knew her value and worth. A woman who knew God’s will for her life and refused to be the wife before she was the wife.

Think about it.


Miss Terri

Hot Flash or Hot Spell?

I would like to know where the term “hot flash” came from. I think of a flash as something that happens very quickly and briefly, so quickly you just might miss it. This is not what I’m experiencing with what I call “hot spells.”

What happens to me is a slow heating up that starts on the inside and then radiates on the outside, which causes me to start fiercely fanning myself with anything I can find. The slow heating up is followed by a little sweat on my back, neck, and arms. After that, I begin to experience a chill up and down my body. All of this does not happen in a “flash.”

I call it a “hot spell,” because it sends me into a spell-like state where all I can do is sit down and wait it out. I talk myself through it. I tell myself, “it’s gonna be ok, Terri, you can handle this. This too shall pass. Breathe through it. You got this.”

In the meantime exercise and hairstyles are wrecked because they bring on the spells. I’ve even noticed certain foods bring them on. Pepper hot and fire hot foods have to go right now. I ain’t got time for that. Lol.

What do you think? Is it a hot flash or a hot spell? How are you navigating through it? Any advice?


Miss Terri


My heart is saddened by the murder of nine people at a historic black church in Charleston, SC, last night. It’s unthinkable that someone would carry out such a heinous crime inside a church, or is it?

The more I think about it the more I’m convinced this is exactly what satan wants to do. Jesus said he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He knew to do so inside a church again would be extremely painful, but he didn’t stop there. He made it racial to give it an extra sting. By making it racial his plan to cause division among the races is advanced. Don’t believe satans lies. I read that the gunman (satan speaking through him) said black people are taking over and raping their women. Lies. All lies. Jesus said satan is a liar and the father of lies. Don’t believe anything he says.

We must recognize the plans and schemes of satan so that he gains no ground on us. This is not about race or a hate crime. This is about the war between good and evil, and satan will use anyone who yields him or herself to do his will. Scripture says it best, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬ KJV)

We have to keep our focus on what is really going on and not allow ourselves to get caught up in our feelings or the media hype. The truth is not reported in the media. The media can only report facts. For the truth we must rely on the word of almighty God. The truth is we are not at war against a white man or a black man or racism or hate crimes, we are at war with satanic influences working through white, black, and all people in the earth! The truth is satan wants to kill all of us. He wants us to hate and distrust each other. He wants us to be prejudice. If he can plant hate for others in our hearts he can use us to do his will. What is his will? Kill, steal, and destroy us.

Don’t allow what satan did in Charleston to make you bitter. Don’t allow your feelings and emotions to control your thoughts, words, and actions. God tells us what to do to prevail against satan. He said, “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭11‬ KJV) We must put on the whole armor of God daily. Jesus is that armor. He’s our truth, righteousness, peace, faith salvation, and He is the word of God. We are to be strong in Him and in the power of His might. Let’s be ready so that satan does not catch us unaware and kill us prematurely or kill our spirits by making us angry, bitter, and racist. Lets be discerning so we can recognize when satan is working through or when he is speaking through someone. Let’s pray without ceasing as scripture instructs us. Let’s keep fellowship with our Lord throughout the day.

Let’s always remember who we are in Christ. Victorious. Triumphant. Conquerors. Light. Salt. Vessels of love, truth, peace, joy, faith, and justice.

Prayers going up for Charleston. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.


Miss Terri

Bad Hair Day

Every time I think I’m having a bad hair day I get tons of compliments from people. It never ceases to amaze me. So, I just thank God for hair that is healthy and that grows long. In this pic I washed my hair, and let it air dry. Then I blew it dry to calm it down a bit, and then I sectioned off the front, combed it forward, twisted it, pulled it back and pinned it. Left the back out to hang down for a little flair. The saints loved it. What do you think?


How Terri Got Her Groove Back


In December 2010, I looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I saw. At 4’11” I don’t have much room for extra weight, so I decided it was time for drastic changes. Every January my church embarks on a 21 day fast, where we eat fruits, veggies, nuts, whole grains, and beans. After the 21 days was up, I kept up the principles of the fast and I did some research about what kinds of foods burn fat. I found out that fat burning foods include foods like: fruits, especially berries, raw nuts, beans, veggies, tuna, salmon, chicken, peppers, low-fat yogurt, etc. Good fats include foods like: real butter, avocado, olive oil, and coconut oil. Good carbs include foods like: sweet potatoes and sprouted grain breads. This list is not all-inclusive.

And I found out that fat storing foods include foods like: high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, margarine…

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The Cycle of Life

I have been to five funerals or homegoing celebrations since February. Four of the five died from cancer. The ages of the deceased range from 49-80.

This is my first experience with so many loved ones dying so close together.  I sure hope this is it for awhile.  While all this transitioning to eternal life (they all died in Christ) is going on we’re having a baby boom at our church. Actually the baby boom started about seven years ago, and it’s still going strong. I stopped counting at 50 babies. Whew!

Now that I am fifty-something I’m noticing the cycle of life more and more. It used to be years would go by and someone would die. Not anymore. If a family member is not dying, someone at work is or a friend of a friend is. And, on the other side we are celebrating the birth of someone’s child or grandchild on a regular basis as well.

For all the sadness associated with dying, there’s the gladness of celebrating a new born baby. Thank God for the cycle of life.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; (‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭1-2‬ KJV)


Miss Terri

Feel Like Throwing in the Towel?

If you feel tired and weary, and you’re ready to give up and throw in the towel, wait a minute! First thing you gotta do is take control of your feelings. We are called to walk by faith not by feelings.

There have been many times when I felt like giving up on God and His promises. Times when I had thoughts like God’s not gonna do it for me. God has forgotten about me. Those kinds of thoughts always lead me to a pity party where I cry and scream and pitch a fit like a spoiled brat. It’s in times like these the ministry of Holy Spirit kicks in, and He reminds me that my feelings come and go like the sunrise and sunset, and I cannot rely on them or give in to them. He reminds me that God’s word has been tested and tried, and it’s proven to be true time and time again. He helps me remember the faithfulness of God, and how His mercies for me are new every morning. He reminds me to cease from all struggling and to see Jesus providing the way for me to receive rest, peace, faith, and grace through His finished work at Calvary. I thank God for the ministry of Holy Spirit, and for His power that enables me to live in faith in the word of God rather than by my ever changing feelings.

Be encouraged today. No matter what you are navigating through be fully persuaded that regardless of how it feels, seems, or looks, God’s word and promises are far greater than your feelings. He will do what He said He will do.


Miss Terri

Grace for Grief

On April 22nd my beloved cousin died at the young age of 49. She discovered a lump doing her breast self-exam, and it turned out to be an aggressive form of breast cancer.

After she died, I struggled with unbelief, and I experienced so many different emotions. They ranged from intense sadness, to anger, and to pain, before I got to peace and rest. Here’s how I got there.

I saw Jesus (grace) right in the middle of it. My cousin was a Christian, which means she believed in Jesus and His sacrifice at Calvary, which gifted her with eternal life. That’s grace. The bible teaches that Jesus bore our griefs and sorrows as well, so I realized I didn’t have to bear it, because Jesus did it for me. That’s grace. The bible also teaches that we don’t grieve like those without hope. Our hope is Jesus and Jesus is God’s grace.

When I remembered the goodness and grace of God, I saw Jesus providing eternal life for her through His sacrifice, and I saw Him providing peace and rest for me through His work of bearing my grief and sorrow. If I could talk to her now I know she’d tell me she wouldn’t come back here for nothing. She’d tell me how the trinity greeted her with a warm welcoming party, and about how she was reunited with her daddy and other loved ones. She’d tell me how she’s setting things in order and cracking everybody up in the process. When I think about her now I smile and laugh, and cherish all the precious memories of our times together.

If you’re in a place of grief and sorrow, see Jesus and His work right in the middle of it, and you will find grace for your grief.

p.s. ladies please do your monthly breast self-exam and get your mammograms.


Miss Terri

The 3 P’s to Living A Balanced Life


Do you feel overwhelmed? Stressed? Anxious? Do you experience fits of uncontrollable crying or laughter? Do you eat for emotional reasons? Do you drink or smoke weed to feel better? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you need the 3 P’s.

You can go to a psychiatrist and pay their fees for him or her to tell you what I’m gonna share with you for FREE. Read on!

The information you’re about to read was Holy Spirit breathed and I’m sticking to it because it works. It’s what I call the 3 P’s of balance.

1) pray
Balance begins and ends with prayer. Start your day in prayer. First thing I do when I wake up is to say good morning, Holy Spirit, and then I go into thanksgiving. From there I ask Him to lead me, guide me, and show me His desire for me for the day. Prayer will help you maintain a positive mindset, and will eliminate confusion and feeling overwhelmed. Reference Luke 10:38-42

2) prioritize
I’ve learned to prioritize my day based on what is most important for me to achieve according to my values and goals. I’ve learned to say NO to whatever or whoever may disturb my goals. For example, I received 7 invitations to various parties & celebrations all for the month of May. I accepted 3 and declined 4 to maintain my balance. I’ve learned that I don’t have to or need to attend every event I’m invited to. I have the power to say NO!

3) plan
To not have a plan for your day, week, month is going to lead to imbalance and lots of tumbles off the high beam. You must have a plan. Plan, plan, plan. Plan everything if you can. Use a calendar, or use the calendar on your smart phone to help keep yourself organized. Plan meals for the week. Plan your wardrobe for the week. Plan your hairstyles etc and do the same for your kids. If you have a family and you’re not planning everything for them…..

A word of wisdom: if you’re married don’t expect your husband to provide balance for you or the household. That is not his area of expertise. You are called to be his helper, so take charge and help him in the area of balance. When you help him you help you, too!

One last thing. Expect the unexpected. Stuff happens. And, you can’t control it, but if you learn to pray, prioritize, and plan, you will be able to roll with the punches without falling off the high beam when stuff does happen!

Can I get an amen? A hallelujah? A shout of praise?

If you feel like your life is out of balance because of the many hats you are wearing, implement the 3 P’s. I promise you it works, but you gotta work it.

Love, hugs, & kisses!

Miss Terri